Dash Diet to Control Hypertension - Is it Possible?

One of the more popular healthy eating plans is the DASH diet. "DASH" is the catchy acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Researchers have proven that this type of eating plan can reduce the risk of getting high blood pressure, and can effectively reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension.

The DASH diet started out as a scientific study to test how nutrients in food can affect blood pressure. The study found that by having a diet which focused on vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy foods, and legumes, that lower blood pressure could be achieved. This eating plan also encourages eating fish, nuts, poultry, whole grains, and a limited amount of red meats, fats, and sweets. Also, portion control is recommended.

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Another scientific study, called the "Lower Sodium DASH Diet" eating plan, analyzed how a reduction in sodium (1500 mg of sodium per day) affected blood pressure for those on the Standard DASH diet (2300 mg of sodium per day) and for those on the typical American diet (3500 mg average sodium per day). The study indicated that blood pressure did get lower with a decreased sodium intake for both groups. Those eating the normal American diet as well as those people following the Standard DASH diet. However, those who were following the Lower Sodium DASH diet which had the greatest sodium reduction showed the largest decrease in blood pressure. This study proves that whatever food plan you follow, lowering your salt and sodium intake is important.

Note: One of the best ways to lower your sodium intake is by eliminating salt. Don't use the salt shaker at the table and don't salt the food when you are cooking. Start using salt free seasonings and a salt substitute.

Below are some tips to get you started on this healthy eating plan:

    If your current diet only consists of a couple of vegetables each day, start off my adding another serving at lunch and at dinner.

    Add fruit to you meals or have some as a snack if you do not currently have fruit in your diet.

    Cut back to half of the salad dressing, margarine, or butter you now use. Start using fat free salad dressings and other condiments.

    Slowly increase your dairy intake to three servings per day. To accomplish this you could substitute milk for soda, alcohol, or tea. Choose fat free or low fat dairy products in order to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.

    Do not purchase as much meat as you have in the past. If you don't have it in the fridge then you will not eat it. Reduce meats to two servings per day (about six ounces), this is all your body needs. A deck of cards is about the same size as four ounces of meat. If large portions of meat are in your current diet, start by gradually cutting back by a third. Begin making pasta dishes, stir fries, casseroles, or any recipe that has less meat and has a focus on beans, grains, and vegetables.

The DASH diet which you have learned is focused on whole grains, non fat and low fat dairy, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and legumes/beans. It was developed in a clinical setting and is not a fad diet. Easy to follow, proven to lower blood pressure, and reduces the risks of heart disease. No other diet has the amount of supported medical data. This is a simple eating plan that can be easily adapted into anyone's lifestyle.

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Meditation - The best ways to fight hypertension and reduce high blood pressure

Meditation have been demonstrated over and over again to be highly effective ways to fight hypertension and reduce high blood pressure. Stress is a primary cause of high blood pressure, and one which the pharmaceutical companies encourage doctors to overlook. Alpha or Theta meditation is the best way to reduce stress and can make a huge difference in the fight against hypertension.

What is Alpha or Theta Meditation, and How Can it Reduce My High Blood Pressure?

The human brain is constantly generating electrical activity. Neurologists monitor this activity on an electroencephalograph (EEG) and classify it into different frequencies or brainwaves. While we are awake and busy in our everyday activities, the dominant brainwave is the Beta wave, which has a frequency of 13 to 30 Hertz (cycles per second). When we close our eyes and turn our attention away from the outside world, such as when first going to sleep or taking a nap, the brain's dominant frequency becomes slower but also more powerful. This is where we see Alpha waves (7-13 Hz). When we are profoundly relaxed, or have actually fallen asleep and entered the dream state known as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, the brain generates Theta waves (3.5-7 Hz), which are even slower and even more powerful.

The Alpha and Theta states are natural antidotes to stress. When the brain is in these more relaxed states, the hormonal imbalances that result from stress - whether actual or just perceived - are brought back into balance. Specifically, when stress triggers the "fight or flight response", the adrenal glands release epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine, and cortisol. Collectively, these hormones increase heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration while diverting resources away from other functions (such as repair or growth) that would take energy away from the necessary action of the body in countering danger. That mechanism made perfect sense in an earlier evolutionary setting, but works against us now. Spending less time in the Beta state, which is hospitable to stress, reduces the damage done by this inappropriate brew of hormones. 

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Studies Confirm Meditation Reduces Blood Pressure

A 2004 study in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences found that older women who regularly practice meditation have a reduced cortisol response to stress, and the longer the person had been practicing meditation the greater the reduction. The study's authors suggested that functioning of the endocrine system had been improved.

In 2007, the National Institutes of Health published a comprehensive review of various stress-reduction techniques, noting that many earlier studies had been poorly designed. In comparison to other stress-reduction methods, such as progressive muscle relaxation and biofeedback, meditation produced the best results in reducing blood pressure, a reduction of 5 mm Hg deemed "significant" by the authors.

What is the Best Way to Meditate and Reduce High Blood Pressure?

Until recently, meditation was a difficult skill to master, and most people who tried it simply gave up after a few weeks. When your health is at stake, this is very unfortunate, for meditation really can fight hypertension without poisoning your body with chemical concoctions. So is there a way to achieve the desired mental states without struggling with difficult techniques that aren't realistic for most people?

Fortunately, there is now an easier, quicker way to put your mind in a relaxed, stress-free, Alpha or Theta meditation. The key is the new audio technology of brainwave entertainment. This uses specially engineered pulses of sound, or tones, in concert with relaxing music, to coax the brain into the chosen state. Results can be obtained remarkably quickly, even if you are not a seasoned meditator - though the more you listen to these recordings the more readily your brain will respond.

Foods Good For High Blood Pressure - What Are They and Why

If you are searching for foods good for high blood pressure then there's a good chance that you have high blood pressure and you are dissatisfied with the side effects of the medicines you are taking. While there was a brief trend for doctors to prescribe changes in lifestyle for pre-hypertensive patients, a new study has come out suggesting aggressive drug therapy for persons with a systolic pressure of 121 to 140.

That is really unfortunate. High blood pressure is completely reversible, except in secondary hypertension which is cause by an organ dysfunction, using changes in lifestyle and diet.

So what foods are good for high blood pressure?

We want to have our diet include foods that provide the minerals potassium, calcium and magnesium. In addition, we want foods that provide antioxidants, vasodilators and the ability to thin blood. Foods rich in these properties will attack and repair damage done by free radicals, damage done by calcium channel blockers and restore blood vessels ability to contract and expand and efficiently control pressure.

A quick word about preparing these foods before we list them. Fresh is best. Canned foods and other processed foods have enormous amounts of sodium in them. Raw is the best way to get the most out of the food. If you need to cook your food, steaming is the best alternative, followed by boiling, followed by cooking in the oven.

Avoid microwaving. Some studies show that microwaves, because of the way that they create heat by causing friction at the molecular level, actually destroy up to 90% of the nutrients. In other words, you are eating dead food.

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Here are some great foods that will not only have an impact on your blood pressure, but provide benefits for a number of other ailments as well.

Bananas: High in potassium and fiber, the banana is convenient, tasty, inexpensive, and with a little imagination can make a sinfully delicious dessert.

Tomatoes: Another source of potassium and also of calcium. The tomato has a powerful antioxidant called lycopene that can also help prevent heart disease. Lycopene prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and sticking to the blood vessels. Fresh is best. If you get your tomato through juice, make sure it's pure and does not contain additives and salt. If you're into pasta, try making your own sauce. It can be fun and the house will smell wonderful as you are making it.

Blueberries and Blackberries: Both are packed with powerful antioxidants and are another source of dietary fiber.

Garlic: Garlic is one of those miracle foods that has been used medicinally for over a thousand years. It has the capacity to thin the blood thereby making it easier for the heart to pump. It has also been suggested that garlic is a defense against certain digestive cancers including colon cancer.  

Cold Water Fish: Salmon, sardines, halibut, tuna and mackerel are great sources of Omega-3. Try to replace a red meat meal two or three time per week with one of these fish.

Dark Chocolate and Cocoa:  Yes there is some fat and sugar in there but there is also some very powerful antioxidants. More importantly, if you are going to change your diet you still need to have some kind of reward food for sticking to it. Combine that dark chocolate with baked bananas and you have a very tasty dessert.

Water: Okay you may not think of water as a food but it is essential not only to your blood pressure but to your entire body.  Dehydration is becoming a bigger health issue than it was before. As a rule, you should drink half your body weight in ounces daily. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water or about 4 standard bottles a day.

This is just a partial list of foods good for high blood pressure. There are many more and you are sure to find a combination that you can enjoy. Remember fresh is best!

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3 Effective Ways to Control Your Blood Pressure

There are three effective ways you can help control your blood pressure. If you are determined to do something about the danger hypertension posses to your health and life, you have to make sure that you do your best to keep it under control.

These methods of control are not too hard to follow, if you want to overcome this deadly disease. When you do it right, you might be able to be free of any form of medication.

You can, as a matter fact fully take control of your blood pressure by taking these easy steps. 

These steps entail the food you eat, exercise, and a little bit of natural supplement. Listed below, are some of the ways you can follow toward being free of this silent killer.

The food you eat:

As much as taking balanced meals are concerned, you should endeavor to pick your foods. Make sure that you minimize or avoid taking foods that are very high in saturated fat. Such foods are not in good term with your health condition.

Eat more of vegetables, instead. Fruits are also great, as they would give you most of the nutrients and vitamins you need for your daily activities. Vegetables and fruits will also help you control your weight and in turn your hypertension. Care should be taken to make sure that you cut back on salt intake or product that contain a lot of sodium.

Exercising routinely:

Having hypertension does require you to watch your weight, and as such you may need to develop a regular exercise habit. Exercising will helps you to burn the excess fat, which your body doesn't need. A less fat body, is a healthy body. Pick whatever type of exercise you are comfortable with. It does not have to be a mile race run, every morning.

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Use of natural supplement:

Using natural supplement is a great way to control your blood pressure. A combination of Garlic, Hawthorn,and Co Q-10 is great. Garlic will help you to constantly modulate your blood pressure, and the rest of them are good for your heart and blood flow.

Since it is obvious that the foods you eat have some impact on your blood pressure, care should taken to maintain a healthy diet lifestyle. Try as much as possible to minimize your salt intake, and eat more vegetables. You may incorporate some supplements into your routine. Also remember that taking exercise routinely, will do you a world of good. You will see a significant improvement by using these 3 effective ways to take care of your hypertension.

6 Most Powerful Herbal Remedies to Lower Blood Pressure

Not easy: lowering your systolic blood pressure by, let’s say, 71%.…Unless you try out the easy, natural remedy for high blood pressure. Actually, we’ll discuss 6 different herbs and spices that’ll give your blood pressure a reason to slide downwards.

1. Coconut water
A small study recently published in the West Indian Medical Journal revealed that drinking coconut water helped 71% of the study participants lower their systolic blood pressure significantly and 29% dropped their diastolic blood pressure numbers significantly. Coconut water is loaded with potassium, electrolytes and other key nutrients that play an important role in lowering blood pressure.

2. Garlic
Apparently, garlic is not just to keep the vampires away…According to a study conducted by Australian researchers, garlic is an effective way to reduce blood pressure and naturally lower unhealthy cholesterol levels. This powerful food remedy can be taken fresh or in the form of a supplement. Garlic is a powerful and easy tool to battle high blood pressure.

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3. Cacao
Loaded with flavonoids, cacao is an excellent way to lower blood pressure. As we know, the most common cause of blood pressure is stress. Raw cacao contains flavanoids and other nutrients that function as adaptogens that help body manage stress, by regulating stress hormones. This amazing quality of cacao plays a crucial role in lowering blood pressure levels. If you choose a chocolate as your source of flavanoids, choose the one that is at least 75-80% cacao.

4. Raw Almonds
A handful of almonds a day keeps blood pressure levels at bay!
Raw almonds are one of the key foods in the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), and for good reason. These delicious nuts are loaded with monounsaturated fats, which are powerful tools to lower cholesterol levels, decrease inflammation and fight high blood pressure.

5. Cayenne pepper
This spice does miracles when it comes to its blood pressure lowering abilities!
The scientific evidence shows that cayenne pepper is a powerful vasodilator, meaning that it helps improve blood flow by expanding the blood vessels. This quality helps naturally reduce blood pressure as the rate of blood flow passing through the circulatory system is increased, taking pressure off arterial walls. You can mix two teaspoons of cayenne pepper powder (found in most supermarkets) with warm water, tea, or juice, and drink it daily. If the taste is too spicy for you, try it in the form of a supplement (look for it in your nearest health food store).

How to get your High Blood Pressure within the healthy 120/80 range?

6. Turmeric
Talking about super-foods (or super-spices in this case), turmeric (or curcumin) definitely fits the description!
This amazing herb has drawn the attention of scientists with its powerful ability to decrease inflammation throughout the body. By decreasing inflammation, turmeric helps improve healthy blood flow, loosen up blood vessels and remove plaque build-up, all leading to reduced blood pressure levels. This herb also works as a powerful blood thinner, another quality that aids in lowering blood pressure naturally. Add this powerful and delicious spice to sauces, soups or veggie dishes you make, or choose it in the form of a supplement. But just this spice – while highly effective – isn’t going to lower your blood pressure down to normal. But lowering your blood pressure down to where it should be doesn’t have to be hard…

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